Update on McDavid's leg injury
According to Darren Dreger, Edmonton Oilers Connor McDavid suffered a small tear of the PCL ligament in his knee. No surgery is required to repair it, and McDavid should be ready for the start of the next campaign.
After a terrible fall after being tripped by Calgary captain Mark Giordano, in the Oilers' last game of the season against their rivals, the Calgary Flames. Connor McDavid suffered a small tear of the PCL ligament and will start rehab immediately.
Have a look at the gruesome injury: After the game, Mark Giordano went and apologized to McDavid.
After a terrible fall after being tripped by Calgary captain Mark Giordano, in the Oilers' last game of the season against their rivals, the Calgary Flames. Connor McDavid suffered a small tear of the PCL ligament and will start rehab immediately.
Have a look at the gruesome injury: After the game, Mark Giordano went and apologized to McDavid.
I feel terrible, Mark Giordano told during the 2nd intermission. Obviously, with the result being what it is, if I had to do it all over again I'd almost rather see myself let him go and not injure him. It's easy to say after the fact.