NHL may have to adopt new rules and safety measures to resume play

The world is slowly starting to re-open amid the Covid crisis and the NHL is gearing up to complete their season. New safety practices are being put in place everywhere and the NHL may be forced to adopt a few of them if they hope to resume play soon.

Ryan Rishaug of TSN tweeted that he had a conversation with an infectious disease specialist about possible ways to modify the game to reduce the spread of the virus during play. Here is a list of recommendations according to Rishaug's source:
  • Full face shields, to reduce spread of droplets
  • NO fighting
  • NO scrums after whistles, so linesmen don't have to physically break up scrum.
  • Coaches social distanced and wearing face masks on the bench.
  • Wingers to maintain 2ft distance on face-offs. 
  • NO spitting on ice or bench.  

The NHLPA would have to agree to any of these stipulations. NHL deputy Commissioner Bill Daly has been quoted as saying "We would consider anything our infectious disease experts would recommend, but I'm not sure that any dramatic modifications will really be necessary."

Is this a way over blown approach? or is this the new normal if we want our hockey back?