Anonymous Employees Call NHL "Inhumane"
There are a number of individuals employed by the NHL who have worked from home since the league paused play on March 12th, 2020. Three employees have voiced themselves in the media on the condition of anonymity to call out the NHL for not reinstating full salaries for employees.
Shortly after the NHL halted play, they cut salaries by 25% for personnel earning more than $75,000 per year. This was to prevent layoffs and to protect the inevitable loss of revenue. Now, personnel are being moved into the hub cities to continue their work, but their salaries have not been reinstated.
"It's inhumane that there are 100-plus employees risking their health and livelihoods to bring hockey to the masses and they are not being compensated or promised anything."The league declined to comment, saying it does not comment on matters relating to employee compensation.
NHL Employee - “It’s inhumane that there are 100-plus (NHL) employees risking their health and livelihoods to bring hockey to the masses and they are not being compensated or promised anything.”— Allan Walsh (@walsha) July 22, 2020
Photographer: Kevin Abele/Icon Sportswire