2 Washington Capitals Most Likely to be Traded

The Washington Capitals appear set for another successful season and their management group is going to be looking for ways to upgrade their hockey club throughout the year. Expect to see the Capitals once again going all-in for a chance to win the Stanley Cup.

With that comes change and there's a couple of deals we could see take place. 

2 Capitals Likely to be Dealt This Season

Michal Kempny: The Capitals sent Kempny down to the American Hockey League two years ago and he's basically never come back. So far this season the veteran defenseman has put up two points in 10 games. It's a far cry from his 18 points in 58 games for the Capitals back in 2019-20, but since he's been unable to crack the NHL lineup. His cash salary is only $1 million this season, so that will help increase his market, but regardless he may be hard to move but could certainly be a throw in to even out the financials with his $2.5 million cap hit.

2022 First-Round Pick: While the Capitals appear set to keep Evgeny Kuznetsov in town after a fine start to the season, he's one of the only other players to watch out for when it comes to a big trade in Washington. Besides the veteran center, expect to see the Capitals dangle their first-round pick for a player with at least one season left on their contract. When Alex Ovechkin signed a five-year deal with the Caps it basically kept the teams' Stanley Cup window open until 2026. With that being said, they could very well part with another high pick this season to add a gamechanger, just like they did with the Anthony Mantha deal last season with the Detroit Red Wings.

Photo credit: Reinhold Matay-USA TODAY Sports