Blues Make Big Decision With Drew Bannister

During the 2023-24 season, the St. Louis Blues notably fired Craig Berube and named Drew Bannister as their interim head coach. 

Now, with the Blues' season over, the club has made a big decision with Bannister. The Central Division club has removed the interim description from his job title and have signed him to a two-year deal to be their official head coach. 

Seeing Bannister officially be named the Blues' head coach is not surprising in the slightest. The Blues' play picked up noticeably when he took over, as they put together a 30-19-5 record in their final 54 games of the series. While they still missed the playoffs, they showed promise as the campaign continued. Thus, keeping him around was truly a no-brainer for the Blues.

Bannister's goal will now be to build off his solid start with the Blues and get them back into the playoffs in 2024-25. We will need to wait and see how the Blues respond to him sticking around from here, but they have the potential to be a playoff team when looking at how they performed down the stretch. 

photo credit: © Jeff Le-USA TODAY Sports