Maple Leafs Should Have Leading Contender From Jets To Fill Goalie Void

The Toronto Maple Leafs are going to have some work done this offseason to their roster. One of the big decisions is going to come in net.

There's no doubt that Joseph Woll will be one of the two goalies for Toronto next season, but both Ilya Samsonov and Martin Jones are UFAs. There could be a place for Jones, but Samsonov is going to likely hit free agency.

The future in net for the Maple Leafs next season looks like Woll starting around half of the games if he stays healthy. This means the team is going to need more than just a backup goalie to fill the void. Dennis Hildeby is just not ready yet and would need at least a year of serving as a backup with a lot less pressure before stepping into the role the Maple Leafs need a goalie to fill.

The best option the Maple Leafs could turn to in free agency is Laurent Brossoit. He has paid his dues as a backup and has done very well, especially this season with the Winnipeg Jets. He has never played more than 24 games in a season, but regardless of his strong numbers, the likely Vezina Trophy winner this season was playing in front of him.

Brossoit is 31 years old and is more than ready for a chance to see if he can earn a starting job. With Woll's potential of injury and Toronto being a place where the team is in contention for the playoffs each season, Brossoit would have a strong chance of getting what he probably wants from free agency and his next team.

He has posted a .927 SV% in each of the past two seasons and has 10 games of playoff experience under his belt, even if two came in relief. Brossoit also has a career .911 SV% and recorded a 14.9 goals saved above average this season.

He appears to be in his prime and won't cost a ton to bring in with the promise of at least having a fair shot of playing more than he has in a season before. It may be a little late compared to other goalies who eventually get this chance, but the numbers don't lie and the Maple Leafs have to bide their time until Woll turns into a full-time starter and Hildeby gains experience.

Photo credit: © James Carey Lauder-USA TODAY Sports