Blue Jackets To Make Rare Buyout Of Adam Boqvist

The Columbus Blue Jackets are making a rare buyout to clear cap space on the back-end. The team is buying out Adam Boqvist and since he is 23, it will only be 1/3 of the cost instead of 2/3.

Boqvist is going to be placed on waivers today and if he clears, the buyout will occur. The main reason for this is to clear the space on defense for David Jiricek to be uncontested for a spot in the lineup every night and to free up a bit of cap space. The team's top defensive prospect didn't seem happy in 2023-24 being scratched and sent down when he was ready to play in the NHL. There is no debating that this season as Jiricek will either play on the second or third pair on the right side.

The Blue Jackets originally got Boqvist in a trade with the Chicago Blackhawks that involved Seth Jones, but Boqvist didn't get as good of an opportunity with such a packed defensive group this season. He is still a good offensive talent.

Despite only playing 35 games this season, the young d-man has already played parts of five seasons in the NHL. He has a career high of 52 games in a season, 11 goals, and 24 points, all coming in the past three seasons. There is much more room to grow and in the right spot, a team can get a solid piece for dirt cheap.

Photo credit: © David Kirouac-USA TODAY Sports